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[탄핵속보] 주미대사 이태식 제대로 한껀했다! 탄핵가능하겠는걸?

[탄핵속보] 주미대사 이태식 제대로 한껀했다!탄핵가능하겠는걸?

Cattlemen's Capitol Concerns from NCBA

April 3, 2008

Korean Ambassador Offers Encouragement on Beef Trade:  South Korean Ambassador Lee Tae-sik visited a trio of cattle-producing states this week and indicated that a breakthrough with his country may be forthcoming that would lead to the reopening of Korea’s market to U.S. beef.  In meetings with Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman on March 31st, beef trade was a top item of discussion.


"Ensuring equal access for all beef products is a very important issue for our state," Heineman said. "Ambassador Lee indicated this is an important issue to resolve and I am hopeful that on-going work at the federal level will be successful in opening the door to a wider variety of products in the near future."


Lee indicated the new beef agreement would be consistent with guidelines established by the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and would include bone-in beef. 


문제의 소고기 협상이 종료 아닌 개시(4월9일?)되기 일주일 전인 4월 3일 이전주미한국대사 이태식이가 미국 목축업자들 모임에 친히 참석해서, '소고기 협상이 OIE기준에 맞춰서 뼈 있는 소고기까지 포함하여 타결될 것이다'라고 예언하는 뛰어난 예지력까지 발휘하며 참석한 미국 목축업자들을 안심시키고 있군요.


대단한 예지력입니다..


주미대사는 아무나 하는게 아닌가 봅니다.

출처 : http://bbs1.agora.media.daum.net/gaia/do/debate/read?bbsId=D003&articleId=599636

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