작년에 진짜 가고싶던곳인데ㅋ 지금은 한국회사에 취뽀했구요.
작년에 머리싸매고 혼자힘으로 첨삭없이 썻던 기억이 나네요. 제가 좀 자존심이 쎄서.;;
어쨌든 서류는 통과 되더군요. ;그뒤로 자소서좀 보내달라는 분도 계셔서 아예 올립니다.;;
근데 지금보니 왤케 웃긴지.ㅋㅋ
다들 취뽀하시길!.
-Dreaming of being your new FACE!!
I decided to choose Loreal Korea because its one hundred year history makes me feel you are sturdy and your products look elegant. I dont polish my appearance but I keep a way of thinking open to get polished and forward-looking and accept other peoples thought generously. The ideal Loreal-man you want goes the same way as my value. It is that I can accomplish whatever I got responsible for by all means and discuss any issue aggressively based on my opinion. I am sure I am the right person who can recite a poem doing farming because I have a passion for sales.
I have ever worked at a certain discount store which is big-sized. I managed the warehouse arranging each of all newly arrived goods at its right place and assisted in taking inventory. Then, I got interested in distribution industry. While I am working there, I watched over many salespeople and promotion assistants. I wondered why it needs salespeople at the discount store. So I asked the staff of the store and he told me that when salespeople managed their products, it sure tended to be more sold than otherwise. The magic of the sales was so fascinating.
While this experience is making me inspired, I got a book about Howard Sultz. He was professional salesperson in Xerox. He said his sales experience strongly helped his success. So I was very impressed by that. The Sales is a foundation of all company . The sales is said to be as very difficult and harsh as we find a coin in the Han-river, but owing to his endless effort, Sultz did it! So I got a new dream of trying to learn him and being CEO.
I will try to get a job in a global company like Loreal Korea and learn valuable working-level knowledge . In addition, I plan to improve English and another language like Chinese or something. Also I am going to study a potential advanced country like India and China with any material. I love to be active and proactive , so I want to use that personality to work abroad. Since the sales is related to marketing, I am going to win a opportunity to experience the marketing field. Furthermore, if necessary for my career , I have a plan to get MBA degree.
I have ever got a team project to write a semi-thesis about Hepatitis B virus while I attended Immunology class . I decided to be on it as a leader. At the beginning, my team consisted of 11 teammates but it shrank by 5. It was the matter that the five didn t have enough knowledge I wanted and no passion. So I talked them into being positive saying unless each of them is negative, none of us can get good score. The give n t ime was only four weeks and we had got to refer to more than one hundred articles. But they had a trouble in reading those articles and looked feeling burdensome because of their own stuff. So I decided to be on part of their portions by translating and summarizing all articles. After that, I gathered their materials and check them for errors and omissions. Meanwhile, I slept four hours a day for two weeks and owing to that we could finish and submit our 30-paged thesis early by a week. After all, ours come to a conclusion that most of us got very great score. Through this project, I definitely found my strict and aggressive personality. This is acting like a stimuli to me b ecause that class is traditionally too difficult for most of them to get A+.
Recently I was surprised to see a woman participant lost her temper at the host Donald Trump in the reality program You are fired. She who was a team leader was blaming one teammate for her team s failure , denying her fault.She showed what the worst leader is and naturally was fired. There ,I felt leading the team to reach its destination was difficult and the har mony and cooperation was very important. So in comparison with this case, I was successful and happy.
I am confident that I can be positive and proficient in sales since I want to do that.
[Tip] 간단한 영문 이력서 양식
주소를 여기에~ 한줄로 씁니다. 번지, 동, 구, 시 순서
E-mai l: xxxxx @naver.com
Tel : 02- xxxx -xxxx Cell : xxx -xxxx -xxxx
Objective : 직무 (Sales , PR, Marketing ….)
Position : 직위(로레알에 인턴지원시 여기에 intern이라고 쓰시면 될겁니다.)
Mar 1998-Aug 2007 Superman University , Seoul
• Major:
• GPA :
Mar 1998-Aug 2007 Sales at Bloomingdales department store
•Scored Toeic ___
•Group Leader
•Volunteer work
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